Dear colleagues! We are pleased to invite you to the conference "Education without Borders: Challenges of the 21st Century (Experience of the International Baccalaureate)" Date: November 16 - 18, 2017 Venue: Health resort "Vyatichi" (Kaluga Region, Zhukovsky District, Kremenki, Mira Street, 17) The preliminary program of the conference and the conditions for participation will be published by June 10.
The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has registered the Non-profit partnership for providing assistance in International Schools development «INTESСО», founded in Moscow January 28, 2013.
Lance G King, an internationally respected author, teacher, workshop facilitator, conference presenter, the architect of the ATL component of the new MYP for the IB and the creator of the Art of Learning program will visit Moscow on April 13-20th, 2013 at the invitation of the Educational Trust Foundation. Lance King will conduct a series of workshops for IB students, "gifted" children, their parents and teachers.
25 December will mark the first night of the production Dorogaya Elena Sergeyevna (Dear Elena Sergeyevna) at the Taganka Theatre (small stage). The Educational Trust Foundation helped SSSR Productions to stage the play based on a piece of the same title by Liudmila Razumovskaya.
On 12–13 December, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences will host the Second All-Russian Congress of History and Social Science Teachers. Moscow School 45 Principal, and one of the founders and members of the Council of the Educational Trust Foundation, Mikhail Shneyder will take part in the event.
On 5 December 2012 The Educational Trust Foundation and the Institute of opportunistic education signed a memorandum of strategic partnership and cooperation, which identifies the main goals, directions, forms and principles of strategic partnership and long-term cooperation.
On 26–30 November 2012, the first module of the programme New Leaders of Higher Education developed for the Ministry of Education and Science was held at the Skolkovo Moscow School of Management.
On 21 November 2012, Pavel Mrdulyash, Chairman of the Board of the Educational Trust Foundation took part in the first module of Educational Strategy Games as part of the Russian Ability-Based Olympiad for students aged 14–17. Mr Mrdulyash delivered a report on the Regionalisation in the Post-Industrial World.
In connection with the announcement on the website of the CIS International Baccalaureate Schools Association – indicating that the General Meeting of IBSA members passed a decision to expel our school from the Association – we note that the so-called General Meeting was held with major procedural violations (suffice it to say that School 45 was barred from voting) established by the IBSA Charter. Accordingly, this decision was legally void at its adoption, making it impossible for us to recognize it.
On 29 October, the European Gymnasium will host two presentations at its premises at 28 Sokolnichesky Val: 11 am: a presentation by Sanako (Finland) (,1 pm: a presentation by WorldDive (Finland) ( foreign language teachers are welcome!
The Educational Trust Foundation acted as one of the three official sponsors for the annual regional conference of IB Africa, Europe, Middle East (IBAEM) held on 4–7 October 2012. The Madrid International Baccalaureate conference garnered over 1,000 participants from 70 countries – a record figure that made it the most impressive regional IBO event in terms of both the number and the level of its participants.
The Educational Trust Foundation will be an official supporter of the IB Africa, Europe & Middle East Regional conference held in October 4-7 in Madrid. As the Educational Trust Foundation President Alexander Rudik said, "Support for the International Baccalaureate regional conference is a logical extension of our cooperation with the IBO and meets our strategic goals. One of the Foundation’s key objectives is to become a leader in promoting the values and programmes of the International Baccalaureate in Russia."
The Educational Trust Foundation completed the "Russian Secondary Education in Reflection of International Standards" Conference in Moscow on September 19.The opening ceremony of the Conference held in Moscow September 17 at the Kolobov Novaya Opera Theatre brought together more than 200 participants including representatives of the educational and business communities and non-governmental organizations.
The Educational Trust Foundation will hold a press conference on September 17 immediately preceding the opening of the conference "Russian Secondary Education in Reflection of International Standards".
Educational Trust Foundation leaders on August 23 paid official visit to the Hague On August 23, 2012, discussions were held in the Hague among Pavel Mrdulyash, Chairman of Board, Educational Trust Foundation; Mikhail Shneyder, Co-Founder of Educational Trust Foundation and Principal, Moscow School 45; Adrian Kearney, Regional Director for IB Africa, Europe, Middle East (IBAEM); Theresa Forbes, Head of Development, IBAEM; Ake Sorman, Development and Recognition Manager, IBAEM. During hours of discussions in a friendly atmosphere, many issues of mutual interest were discussed. Participants agreed to continue discussions in Madrid in October 2012 during the International Baccalaureate regional conference.
Dear Colleagues!We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Conference «RUSSIAN SECONDARY EDUCATION IN REFLECTION OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS».The Conference is organized by the Educational Trust Foundation ( Conference will focus on the following issues:1. Place of the Russian secondary education in the world rankings.2. A comparative analysis of educational standards.3. International standards for school teachers’ training.4. International Baccalaureate (IB) as a working model of implementing of international standards in national schools.The Conference will be held on the 17-19 September 2012 in the Academy of advanced training and professional retraining of educators at the address: 8 Golovinskoye schosse (block 2a), Moscow, 125512, Russia. Nearest metro station: Vodny stadion.The Conference program and registration is on the website of the Educational Trust Foundation ( Registration of participants is up to the 30th June 2012.There are no registration fees for participating in the Conference, but no more than 4 people from one school are invited to attend. Participants are kindly asked to book hotels by themselves. You can stay in the hotel of the Academy of advanced training and professional retraining of educators ( at the address: 8 Golovinskoye schosse (building 2a), Moscow 125512, Russia. In case of necessity in preliminary booking and assistance in organizing the accommodation or if you have any special requirements, please inform us beforehand ([email protected]).Sincerely,Chairman of the Board Pavel Mrdulyash
23-25 April 2012, President of the IB Schools Association of the CIS and a founder of the Educational Trust Foundation, Mikhail Shneуder, and Chairman of the Board of the ETF, Pavel Mrdulyash, took part in the annual Conference of the IB Schools Association of the CIS in Astana, Kazakhstan. A separate section devoted to a development strategy of the IBSA in the CIS was led by Mr. Mrdulyash. In the process, Mr. Shneyder proposed developing the IBSA in the CIS as a professional organization, actively engaged in promoting the ideas of the International Baccalaureate programmes in CIS countries and stimulating the creation of new schools. However, most members disagreed with this concept, preferring the former club format of the Association. In connection with this, Mr.Shneyder declined to stand for another term as Association president. Elected was Natalia Barinova, previous executive director of the Association and an employee of the Moscow Economics School. The election of a new executive director of the Association did not take place and the post is currently vacant.
16-17 April 2012, President of the IBSA of the CIS and a founder of the Educational Trust Foundation, Mikhail Shneyder and Chairman of the Board of the Educational Trust Foundation, Pavel Mrdulyash, held talks with the leadership of Murmansk city, and the Minister of Education and Sciences, and the Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region. During the meetings they discussed a promotional programme for the International Baccalaureate in the Murmansk region. This idea received full support at the regional level. Three Murmansk schools were proposed for the programme. Mr.Shneyder made a report to the Board of the Ministry of Education and Sciences which described in detail the advantages of the IB and Russia’s experience of its implementation. Mr.Mrdulyash explained the goals and objectives of the Educational Trust Foundation. During the visit, the Educational Trust Foundation’s representatives visited three local schools and agreed with the Administration on the areas of cooperation for the development of the IB in the region.
February 27, 2012 (Odintsovo, Moscow Region) The Skolkovo School Conference was attended by about 100 people, including finalists and winners of the Skolkovo School contest, heads of regional and municipal education authorities, as well as experts and organizers of the project. One of the participants was Pavel Mrdulyash, director of the Federal Resource Center for the organization of management training and a founder of the Educational Trust Foundation. Conference objectives:- Development of an innovative movement of schools in Russia and the spread of substantive ideas from the best schools, the winners of the Skolkovo School contest- Creating an innovative community - an Association of Skolkovo SchoolsAssociation objectives:1. Sharing ideas and best practices in the development of the educational environment and architectural design, instructional design, and information infrastructure, including taking into account best international practice.2. Understanding, acknowledging, accepting and securing documentation (proposals in the resolution of the conference) why Skolkovo schools will be different from the others, where will a network of innovative schools will advance.3. Expert advisory support for activities of innovative schools.4. Formation of an Association of Skolkovo Schools.
22-26 February 2012 A Founder of the Educational Trust Foundation, President of the IB Schools Association of the CIS, and Headmaster of Moscow School 45, Mikhail Shneyder, as part of the Skolkovo School project took part in the Anglo-Russian seminar held in Maidstone (Kent County), Great Britain. Among seminar participants were representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Skolkovo Foundation, Microsoft, Lookred, regional Ministries of Education and Science, Moscow Institute of Open Education, Higher School of Economics, Center for Educational Technology and Educational Equipment, schools from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Murmansk, Novosibirsk , Perm, Samara, Tomsk, the Interregional Association of Tutors and other interested organizations. The seminar addressed the development of educational systems in both countries, the desire to redesign educational institutions working in the information age to provide students new opportunities in the classroom, extracurricular activities and distance dialogue. Of particular interest were discussions about the place and role of educational, managerial and technological standards in the new educational space. Many participants expressed interest in the International Baccalaureate programmes as the most promising school system".
On the site you'll find official information about the goals, plans and activities of the Foundation and its partners, current projects and programs, as well as materials and documents of the Foundation and its partners.
18 – 20 December 2011 A presentation of the Educational Trust Foundation took place in the Kaliningrad region. The Educational Trust Foundation programme was presented by Pavel Mrdulyash, a founder of the Educational Trust Foundation and Director of the Federal Resource Center for the organization of management training.