In this article Alexandr Adamskiy, an authorirative expert at education sphere, analyzes a tendency of "manual management" of education, which seems to appear recently.
An example of such policy is a elimination of second session at schools and liquidation of queue to kindergartens. In order to solve that problems, Russian prime-minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed government to transform the programme of building of kindergartens into the programme of building of schools. Adamskiy outlines, that such projects couldn't be effective, because their authors don't take into account different financial opportunities and different needs in Russian regions. Adamskiy counted up, that during realizing this project, it would take near a trillion roubles only for building and equipping schools. Adamskiy criticizes attempts to introduce "manual management" of education. He notes, that such "manual management" has already led the whole Russian educational system to disbalance. Adamskiy underlines, that according to the law, the founder of school is municipality, and the school itself has wide enough powers (for example, it can «form educational programme, create its own wage system and plan of expenditures»). However, today Russian school and municipality practically lost their independence, as far as they should obey orders from the governmental structures. Adamskiy feels, that such tendencies are potentially dangerous and instead of success they can lead to chaos and very negative consequences for the whole educational system.
Source: (Russian language)